Now physicians will have the objective tool to measure, document, and validate a patient’s functional abilities and outcome performance. Virtually all insurance companies, including Medicare, base their medical necessity determination on this functional paradigm. Functional Performance Evaluations can help justify medical necessity in an efficient and effective manner, and also provides important data to help determine how long active treatment can last by re-examining the patient periodically with subsequent Functional tests.


The first Functional Performance Evaluation is used to create a baseline of the patient’s functional abilities. This baseline test will include a comparative to population norm, inclusive of: age, gender, height, weight, and dominant side. Patented software will identify and quantify body function and structure limitation; we will provide the patient with a risk adjusted functional profile.

At a point in the future, after some treatment has happened, subsequent Functional tests are applied to track and monitor the functional changes in what is called a functional performance outcome. This comparative study can aid in treatment planning and the medical necessary treatment modifications.


Conveniently, our patented Functional Performance Evaluation program is a trans-mobile ancillary service in which we send our certified Functional Performance Technologist to your location, with our equipment, to test your patients on site, and provide back to you the results via a detailed report.

Our reports are user friendly supplying an array of comprehensive detail in a 20+ page report, as well as convenient with a quick view two-page summary. Subsequent tests include easy to access and understand comparative side by side statistics of the past two tests.


Our patented technology has built in symptom magnification tools to help determine an evaluee’s effort. An example of this is seen in our “validity of testing” which is established by the presence of three consecutive repetitions (a maximum of six trials are performed) which fall within a coefficient of variation determined by the AMA guidelines. The software will only accept readings if they fall within the coefficient of variation. It is almost impossible for a human being to purposely under-perform within a small range of variation. These tools prove the reliability and validity of the data obtained.